Update endpoint proxy settings

Proxy settings can be updated on the endpoints using Xprotect.exe generate-network-configuration  on all operating systems (Windows/macOS/Linux).

c:\Program Files\ColorTokens\Xprotect\Bin>Xprotect.exe generate-network-configuration

Usage: Xprotect [global-options] generate-network-configuration [command-arguments]
Command options:
  -h [ --help ]                 Display this help message.
  --server-host arg             IP address or FQDN of the host to connect to.
  --server-port arg (=443)      Port where the server is listening for
                                requests. (default: 443)
  --proxy-host arg              IP address or FQDN of the proxy host.
  --proxy-port arg              Port where the proxy is listening. (mandatory
                                when --proxy-host is specified)
  --proxy-username arg          Proxy username, if authentication is enabled.
  --proxy-passphrase arg        Proxy passphrase to authenticate the user at
                                proxy. (mandatory when --proxy-username is
  --remove-proxy-configuration  Remove all the proxy related information.

c:\Program Files\ColorTokens\Xprotect\Bin>
Usage: Xprotect [global-options] generate-network-configuration [command-arguments]
Command options:
  -h [ --help ]                 Display this help message.
  --server-host arg             IP address or FQDN of the host to connect to.
  --server-port arg (=443)      Port where the server is listening for
                                requests. (default: 443)
  --proxy-host arg              IP address or FQDN of the proxy host.
  --proxy-port arg              Port where the proxy is listening. (mandatory
                                when --proxy-host is specified)
  --proxy-username arg          Proxy username, if authentication is enabled.
  --proxy-passphrase arg        Proxy passphrase to authenticate the user at
                                proxy. (mandatory when --proxy-username is
  --remove-proxy-configuration  Remove all the proxy related information.		
sh-3.2# pwd
/Library/Application Support/ColorTokens/Xprotect/bin
sh-3.2# ./Xprotect generate-network-configuration

Usage: Xprotect [global-options] generate-network-configuration [command-arguments]
Command options:
  -h [ --help ]                 Display this help message.
  --server-host arg             IP address or FQDN of the host to connect to.
  --server-port arg (=443)      Port where the server is listening for
                                requests. (default: 443)
  --proxy-host arg              IP address or FQDN of the proxy host.
  --proxy-port arg              Port where the proxy is listening. (mandatory
                                when --proxy-host is specified)
  --proxy-username arg          Proxy username, if authentication is enabled.
  --proxy-passphrase arg        Proxy passphrase to authenticate the user at
                                proxy. (mandatory when --proxy-username is
  --remove-proxy-configuration  Remove all the proxy related information.		

Updating agent proxy settings

Follow the steps below to update proxy settings using CLI command:

  1. Install the agent proxy settings.
  2. c:\Users\proxyuser\Desktop>msiexec.exe /qb /i colortokens_radar_8.22.0-463_win64.msi COLORMASTER_IP=REPLACE WITH URL.com TENANT_NAME=xxxxx AUTH_KEY=xxxxx CT_PROXY_HOST=xx.xx.xx.xxx CT_PROXY_PORT=3128 CT_PROXY_USERNAME=proxyuser CT_PROXY_PASSPHRASE=xxxxx			
  3. Update proxy details after installation using  generate-network-configuration provided in the CLI command and change the IP.
  4. Windows
    c:\Program Files\ColorTokens\Xprotect\Bin>Xprotect.exe generate-network-configuration --proxy-host xx.xx.xx.xxx --proxy-port 3128 --proxy-username ctuser --proxy-passphrase xxxx			
    root@ubuntunginx:/opt/colortokens/xprotect/bin# ./xprotect  generate-network-configuration   --proxy-host    xx.xx.xx.xxx
       --proxy-port 3128  --proxy-username  ctuser  --proxy-passphrase  xxxx		
    sh-3.2# ./Xprotect generate-network-configuration  --proxy-host    xx.xx.xx.xxx
       --proxy-port 3128  --proxy-username  ctuser  --proxy-passphrase  xxxx		

Remove proxy configuration

You can remove the proxy configuration using the following CLI command:

c:\Program Files\ColorTokens\Xprotect\Bin>Xprotect.exe generate-network-configuration --remove-proxy-configuration
c:\Program Files\ColorTokens\Xprotect\Bin>		
 root@ubuntunginx:/opt/colortokens/xprotect/bin# ./xprotect  generate-network-configuration  --remove-proxy-configuration		
 sh-3.2# ./Xprotect  generate-network-configuration  --remove-proxy-configuration		
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