Create Host groups

Create new Host groups to organize the hosts in the instance logically. Typically, hosts can be grouped by the Line of Business (LoB), geography, business unit/department, expected threat levels, or internal security policies and regulations. The preferred rationale to create Host groups may differ by your Policy control requirements and/or the structure of your business/organization.

For example, create a Host group 'High-value servers' to group all the mission critical server hosts, and later, push a customized Xprotect policy. Typically, you must plan to create Host groups, soon after you have installed Xprotect agents on a considerable number of hosts that have specific Xprotect policy requirements.

Host Groups page

Go to the Hosts > Host Groups page to see the existing Host groups (including the Default Host group) in the instance. 

  • Click a Host group to view its details in the fly panel.

Column Description

Group Name

name of the Host group

Policies and Hosts

number of hosts in the Host group from each of the Three supported OS families (Windows, macOS, Linux)

Created On

date and time when the Host group was created

Modified On

date and time when the Host group was last modified

Create Host groups

When creating a new Host group, the Three Default Xprotect policies (Default-Linux-Policy, Default-Mac-Policy, and Default-Windows-Policy) are assigned to the Host group. You can assign custom Xprotect policies before you save the Host group.

  1. Go to Hosts > Host Groups.

  2. Click Create New Host Group (located at the top-right corner of the page).

  3. Enter a name and description for the Host group.

  4. (Optional) From the Policies drop-down lists, select the custom policies (One each for an OS family) that you want to push to the hosts.

  5. Set Allow User Based Policies (turns Green) to allow adding the Host group to User groups for User policies.

  6. Click Save.

Edit Host groups

Edit a Host group when you want to push a different policy or move the hosts to another Host group. Both these cases involve policy updates on the hosts. After you edit and save the group, the new policies are pushed to the hosts automatically.

Editing Host groups is an excellent way to test multiple applicable policies (one-at-a-time) on a common set of hosts.

Delete Host groups

You must empty a Host group before you delete it. So, deleting a Host group requires moving all the hosts to other Host groups (custom or default). Also, after you delete a Host group from the instance, you cannot restore the group. 

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