Xprotect Dashboard
Xprotect Dashboard hereafter referred to as the Dashboard, helps you monitor the following aspects of the hosts managed from this tenant - connectivity status with the tenant, agent installation status, and the alerts generated on them. The Dashboard contains Key Indicator and List widgets that display the critical metrics of this tenant and the level of threats on the hosts on this tenant.
Dashboard widgets
The Dashboard contains the following widgets:
Total Device widget - displays the total number of hosts managed from this tenant.
Connectivity status widgets - display the numbers of hosts by their connectivity status (Online, Offline, and Unreachable). The Offline and Unreachable widgets use the design defaults (Offline=no heartbeat for the last 30 minutes and Unreachable=heartbeats for 14 consecutive days) or the custom thresholds you set Settings page to calculate the real-time count of hosts.
Agent status widgets - display the number of hosts that are not using the latest version of the agent (Need Update) and the number of hosts added to this tenant in the last 24 hours (New Installs).
Top 5 metrics to monitor - display the numbers for the High Threats, High Alerts, Processes killed, Processes blocked, and Unknown applications discovered widgets.
Alerts widgets - display the numbers for the Alerts from Whitelisted Applications, Alerts from Blacklisted Applications, and Alerts from Rule Ring Applications widgets.
Currently, Xprotect does not refresh the widgets automatically. You will need to refresh your Web browser or click the Refresh icon (located at the top-right corner of the page) to see the latest statistics.
Click widgets to see the details
Click a widget on the Dashboard to see the filtered view of the data used to show data on the widget. On the top of the page, see the filters that were used to show data. All widgets on the Dashboard are clickable.
For example, click a process, say NBTSTAT.EXE, in the Alerts from Non Whitelisted Applications widget, and you should see the Alerts page filtered by the NBTSTAT.EXE process.
Next step
- Click the widgets one at a time, and see what filters they use to show data.